7 ways that a Social Security lawyer can help with your disability claim
1. Develop a winning theory for your claim.
The most important task for a lawyer is to develop a winning theory for your claim. This should be done as early as possible in the claim process. Based upon your impairments, work history, age, education, and the Social Security disability evaluation process, we will seek the legal path that leads to an award of benefits. I am proud to represent claimants in Lewiston, and throughout Maine and New Hampshire.
2. Help to obtain the necessary evidence.
The key to winning a Social Security disability claim is proper development and presentation of evidence demonstrating disability. We will work to develop the claim and to obtain the evidence necessary to support your claim. In particular, we will work with you to obtain opinions from your medical providers regarding your functional limitations.
3. Keep your claim moving.
We will shepherd your claim through the disability review process. We will file your appeals, and help you complete Social Security’s forms. We will obtain your doctors’ treatment records and will seek reports and opinions from your doctors concerning your medical condition, symptoms, and functional limitations.
4. Help you tell your story.
Every disability claim has a story. Each person reaches the point of being unable to work in a different way. Your personal story about your struggle with your medical condition is often the most powerful evidence at the hearing for your disability claim. I spend a great deal of time thinking about how to tell your story in an effective way.
5. Represent you at the hearing.
We can assist you with each stage of your claim. We can help you with your initial claim for disability benefits, and with an appeal of a denied claim. We will represent you at the administrative hearing, and explain to the judge why your impairments prevent you from sustained employment. We will write a prehearing memorandum for the judge, so that the judge is familiar with the details of your case in advance of the hearing. Prior to your hearing, I will explain the issues that are important to your claim and will prepare you for your hearing testimony. Each administrative law judge conducts a hearing a little bit differently. I will prepare you for the questions that your specific judge is likely to ask.
Since I limit my practice to Maine and New Hampshire, I see the same judges year after year.
6. Ensure that you are paid correctly.
When your claim is approved, we will ensure that you are paid correctly by the Social Security Administration.
7. Be your guide
Applying for Social Security disability benefits can be difficult and frustrating. An experienced disability attorney can be your guide throughout the process, and can help you to understand Social Security’s unique procedures. You don’t have to go it alone.
You pay no fee unless you are granted benefits.